WCO PICARD Conference 2007

“Partnership in Customs Academic Research and Development”

 The second annual PICARD Conference was held from 27 to 28 March 2007 in Brussels, Belgium and was hosted by the World Customs Organization.

Conference Summary

The second Conference on Partnership in Customs Academic Research and Development (PICARD) held at WCO Headquarters, was attended by 111 delegates, representing universities, research establishments, training managers, representatives of international organisations, customs officials and the private sector.

The purpose of the 2007 PICARD Conference was:

  • to develop a set of professional standards for strategic managers;
  • to launch the first edition of the World Customs Journal with the theme “Customs in the 21st Century” and discuss the content of the second edition;
  • to review and discuss recent innovative research material on supply chain security as a prelude to its inclusion in the second edition of the Journal;
  • to provide an opportunity for institutions to join the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU).

In his opening speech, Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, Deputy Secretary General of the WCO, invited the delegates to use the opportunity for networking and enhancing the ties between Customs, universities and research institutions to respond to the growing need for further exploring the potential for research in the area of efficient cross-border movement of goods. He expressed his strong support for the establishment of the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU) to provide a much needed point of contact with universities and research institutions active in the Customs field.

Mr. Joe Kelly, Deputy Director of the Capacity Building Directorate for the WCO, gave an introductory presentation on the development of professional standards for Customs.

A highlight of the Conference was the launch of the first edition of the World Customs Journal. Professor David Widdowson, Editor-in-Chief, introduced the Journal which establishment had been agreed on during the 2006 PICARD Conference.

Looking to the future of the World Customs Journal, Prof Widdowson encouraged the participants to contribute to the content by sending articles and letters or any other feedback to the Editorial Board. He also introduced the link to the INCU’s (International Network of Customs Universities) website and welcomed interested research institutions and universities with Customs related activities to join this association.

Conference Documents

  • Conference Report:      English
  • Conference Brochure:   English

Conference Presentations

The following presentations were delivered at the conference:




Supply Chain Security: Additing to an Already Complex Operational and Institutional Environment Andrew Grainger EN
Container Security Initiative (CSI) Overview Christopher Dallimore EN
Global Supply Chain Securitization As Applied to Seaport Operations: A Knowledge-based Approach Sefacil Research Institute EN
Voluntary Supply Chain Security Program Impacts: An Emperical Study  with BASC Member Companies Ximena Gutierrez and Juha Hintsa EN
Information Technology for Adoption and Intelligent Design of E-Government (ITAIDE) Prof Dr Yao-Hua Tan EN
Draft Annex I of the WCO Professional Standards – Strategic Managers/Leaders WCO and INCU EN
Draft Annex II of the WCO Professional Standards– Operational Managers/Leaders WCO and INCU EN
PICARD Conference – Professional Standards, Why? PICARD EN
Address on the Launch of the World Customs Journal Kunio Mikuriya EN

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