The International Network of Customs Universities Inc. (INCU) is an international not-for-profit organisation registered in the Australian Capital Territory and governed by the INCU Constitution, in combination with the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 and the Associations Incorporation Regulation 1991.
The INCU membership arrangements provide for:
- A Membership base comprised of both Individuals and Academic Institutions involved in customs-related matters;
- An Affiliate base comprised of Academic Institutions and Non-academic Institutions; and
- An elected Management Committee of a maximum of seven committee members comprising of Individual Members and representatives of Institutional Members.
These governance arrangements and structure have been put in place to:
- ensure that the INCU is a transparent, democratic organisation that truly represents the views of its members;
- provide for an expanded policy and management input from across the INCU membership; and
- provide an opportunity for all Members to participate in its management and decision-making processes.
INCU holds an annual general meeting of its members once in each calendar year and where appropriate, it holds general meetings of members. At such meetings members typically confirm the minutes of the last annual general meeting and of any general meetings, receives reports from the Management Committee and/or Secretariat on the activities of INCU, receive and consider the financial statements and the reports that are required to be submitted to members, and elect members of the Management Committee, including office-bearers (as required). Minutes of past meetings are available in the Members-only area of the website.