The following is a brief overview of the WCO’s PICARD Advisory Group including its main functions and current composition.
The PICARD Advisory Group (PAG) is a forum established by the WCO to assist with management and development of the PICARD Program. The role and functions of the PAG have not been officially defined yet, but they are outlined in the diagram below. As its name suggests, the PAG only has the advising capacity. It does not have any powers or authority to make final decisions, as these are retained by the WCO.
Advisory Group Members
The PAG currently comprises:
• Prof. Aivars Krastins, Riga Technical University, Latvia
• Prof. Hans-Michael Wolffgang, University of Muesnter, Germany
• Prof. David Widdowson, Centre for Customs and Excise Studies, University of Canberra, Australia
• Dr. Juha Hintsa, Cross-Border Research Association, Lausanne, Switzerland
• Ms. Susana Wong, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
• Representatives of the WCO.
The WCO Capacity Building Directorate is in the process of developing the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the PICARD Advisory Group.