WCO Academy – Customs Courses for Universities (Webinar)

The INCU is pleased to inform you that the World Customs Organization (WCO) is holding a webinar presentation for academia about the WCO Academy, which is a new Customs e-learning portal, built by the WCO to serve the needs of universities and the private sector internationally.

The webinar is designed to inform academics on the courses and capabilities the WCO Academy can provide to students and faculty. In the presentation, WCO representative Dimitrios Politopoulos will cover aspects such as blended learning solutions, customs topics offered, learning management system environment and partnership options.

The webinar will be held on the following dates:

  1. Friday, 21 September 2018, 3:30pm–4:30pm (Central European Standard Time); and
  2. Wednesday, 7 November 2018, 9:00am–10:00am (Central European Standard Time).

To attend this webinar, please register now on the webinar registration page.