“Partnership in Customs Academic Research and Development”
The 8th WCO PICARD Conference took place from 18 to 20 September 2013 in St Petersburg, Russia and was attended by nearly 250 delegates.
Conference Summary
The annual PICARD Conference is a joint initiative of the WCO and INCU, and this year’s conference was jointly organised by the WCO and the International Business and Law Institute of the National Research University ITMO, Russian Federation, with support from the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU) and the Customs Administration of Russian Federation.
The Conference was opened by Prof. Elena Bogdanova, Director of the International Business and Law Institute of ITMO, Mr. Kokorev, Chairman of the Board of the International Center of External Economic Activities Development CADUCEUS Fund, Mr. Komlichenko, Deputy Director General, Russian Customs, and the Secretary General of the WCO, Mr. Kunio Mikuriya.
The Conference focused on three topics: the WCO Economic Competitiveness Package; the impact on Customs of various regional integration initiatives; and enhancing professionalism in Customs, that is to say how to operationalize the PICARD 2020 Strategic Document. During the Conference, presentations on high-quality research outcomes, panel discussions and workshops were organized, leading to intensive interaction with and among the participants.
In his opening address and his various contributions on the three Conference topics, Secretary General Mikuriya welcomed the input by academia and the exchange of ideas and experience under the WCO PICARD umbrella, which would be taken into account in the WCOs policy discussions. In this context, he encouraged participants to invest in even more research in support of Customs decision-making processes. He expressed the WCOs determination to remain agile to the changing global trade landscape, and to keep WCO instruments relevant in support of economic competitiveness. He also highlighted the critical role played by Customs in regional co-operation and integration initiatives and the necessity to enhance Customs capacity building in respect of professionalism.
As a new feature of the WCO PICARD Conference, the host university organized a half-day Youth Forum immediately after the Conference. It brought together students from various universities who held lively discussions with Conference speakers and participants on topics raised during the Conference, as well as on future career possibilities in Customs and in the international arena.
Conference Presentations
The following presentations were delivered at the conference:
Economic Competitiveness Package | Mr. Toshihiko Osawa | EN FR |
Information Exchange in Global Logistics Chains: an application for Model-based Auditing | Dr. Albert W. Veenstra | EN |
Import value de-minimis level in selected economies as cause of undervaluation of imported goods | Mr. Cezary Sowinski | EN |
Measuring-Up Customs: A Trade Compliance Cost Perspective | Dr. Andrew Grainger | EN |
Customs Administrations under Customs Union Systems | Mr. Tadashi Yasui | EN FR |
The Impact on Customs of the Development, Implementation and Administration of Regional Integration Initiatives: The Case for Zimbabwe revenue Authority | Dr. Nellie Dhaerah | EN |
Post Doha Disease. and the new Global Trade Paradigm: an Industry Perspective | Mr. Andrew Jackson | EN |
Enhancing Border Management in SADC to support the Consolidation of deeper Regional Integration | Prof. Gerhard Erasmus | EN |
Stories of coordinating border management in the trans- Tasman single economic market | Ms. Germana Nicklin | EN |
The Impact on Customs of the Implementation of China-ASEAN FTA | Mr.Shujie Zhang | EN |
Role of Customs in FTAs in ESA | Mr. Rajeev Nawosah | EN |
Legal Environment of Integration Processes in the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community: Criminal Legal Aspect | Ms. Natalia Nyrkova | EN |
The impact of Regional Integration Processes and Initiatives on Customs activity | Mr. Vladimir Shamakhov | EN |
General Customs Administration of Mexico | Mr. Jesus M. Vasquez Gomez | EN |
The enhancement of Professionalism in Customs and the Operationalization of the PICARD 2020 Strategic Document | Mrs. Zsuzsa Kecskes | EN |
Through the Lens of the WCO Professional Standards and PICARD 2020: Using Strategic HRM inCustoms Development Projects | Ms. Unnur Yr Kristjansdottir | EN |
EU Competency Framework for the Customs profession | Mrs. Birgit Reiser | EN |
Supranational professional standards as the basis for a national vocational training of Customs officials: how to implement a PICARD professional standard in the national education systems? | Prof. Elena Bogdanova | EN |
WCO Research Unit | Mr.Robert Ireland | EN |
WCO Learning & Development Initiatives | Ms. B. Meille | EN |
Building Customs Authorities Capacity through Partnership with a Local College | Dr. Ibrahim Saleh Al-Naimi | EN |
Academic Activities and Regional Developments | Mr. Brian Hurrell | EN |
INCU Updates | Dr. Mikhail Kashubsky | EN |
Evaluation of PICARD Standards .World Class Customs | Prof. Jhon Fonseca | EN |
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