INCU Vice-President Delivers Address at the Export Day 2017 in Milan, Italy

On 13 December 2017, INCU Institutional Member, Federation of the Italian Associations of Mechanical and Engineering Industry (ANIMA) in association with Confindustria, organised the Export Day 2017 event in Milan with the theme of “Internationalization of Italian enterprises and Customs Management as strategic tools for the enterprises”.

The event was attended by representatives from both the Italian government (customs, etc) and the private sector. The event included interventions from a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development, the President of Confindustria, and an intervention by INCU Vice-President, Prof. Michael Wolffgang who delivered an address on “Smart Export 2018”. The event also included a Roundtable Discussion led by Mr Fulvio Liberatore from Easy Frontier, as a representative of INCU Member, ANIMA.

In the afternoon, Prof. Wolffgang and Mr Liberatore held a joint presentation of the proposal of EU Commission for the reform of the dual use regulation which will modify, in a very relevant way, the current rules for the export of sensitive goods.