INCU Regional Office Winter Internship and Fellowship – First Intake

The participants in the first intake of the INCU Baku Regional Office Winter Internship were 3 second-year undergraduate students Ms Anastasiya Kazanskaya, Ms Elizaveta Leontieva, Mr Dmitry Korol and their academic curator Senior Lecturer, Dr Boris Kabylinskiy from the North-Western Institute of Management (St Petersburg, Russia). The first participant in the INCU Fellowship Program was Ms Natalia Ikonnikova, National Customs Manager – Russia, GEFCO representing GEFCO’s Russian Office (Moscow, Russia).

The 5-day Winter Internship/Fellowship programs included:

  • Work at the office to assist Secretariat staff with various activities and tasks;
  • Participation in a training course;
  • Delivery of a presentation about their organisation/institution;
  • Participation in Skype video conference with Shanghai Customs College students;
  • Visit to Azerbaijan Customs Academy; and
  • Social activities and city tour.

The INCU wishes to thank North-Western Institute of Management and GEFCO for participation of their staff and students in the first intake of the INCU Regional Office Internship and Fellowship programs.