On 20 October 2015, the INCU held a public seminar at Jingan Library in Shanghai, China, which is a Customs history library that holds many customs and trade journals, articles and statistics. Dr Mikhail Kashubsky, INCU Head of Secretariat, Prof. Rob Preece from the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies (CCES) at Charles Sturt University, Dr Tong Hua from the Shanghai Customs College and a group of Chinese students visited the Library. They were given a tour of the Library facilities and collections, and met with the Library staff.
Dr Kashubsky and Prof. Preece presented several books to the Library on behalf of the INCU and then participated in a seminar which included several presentations. Mr Chen, a customs historian at the Jingan Library, presented a history of trade between Australia and Shanghai, noting the special treatment given to imports as both Australia and Shanghai were British colonies. Rob then spoke about the issue of smuggling alcohol and tobacco and the new technologies being developed to combat the problem, whilst Mikhail presented the history of the International Network of Customs Universities. The event was attended by around 60 people, including a number of officers from the China Customs office in the Shanghai Port.