From 2 to 4 July 2018, INCU Media Operations Manager, Mr Jiayuan Yao, participated in the Global Trade and Development Week (GTDW) held in Shanghai, China and was one of the panelists in a panel discussion on “Public-Private Partnerships for Anti-Illicit Trade and Market Integrity”, which was held on the last day of the conference.
In the panel discussion, Mr Yao explained why and how society and citizen can get involved in fighting against illicit trade. He outlined the difficult public relations situation border agencies were facing including technological difficulties and bottlenecks, the paradox between trade facilitation and accuracy of supervision, misunderstanding and distrust from society. Mr Yao analysed the situation by using cultivation theory and spiral of silence and emphasized the importance of using mainstream media to build a positive image of border agencies. He used examples of a project “if you see something, say something” from the US Department of Homeland Security and mascot of Japan Customs to introduce the practical experience and analyzed how these measures can work.
The GTDW in Shanghai was also attended by two INCU Advisory Board Members: Mr Poul Hansen, Officer in Charge, Trade Facilitation of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Dr Mohammed Saeed, Senior Adviser, Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business of the International Trade Center (ITC). Both of INCU Advisory Board Members delivered keynote addresses on “How Can Border Agencies Foster Partnerships with the Private Sector to Facilitate Trade and Enhance Compliance and Security” in the 6th Global Customs, Compliance & Trade Facilitation Summit held on the second day of the GTDW.
Mr Poul Hansen’s presentation was about coordinated border management . He pointed out that the cross border discussion between neighboring countries, whether on national or local level, should pay attention to private sector’s opinion in order to solve practical local issues and emphasized the importance of exchange of information between border agencies.
Dr Mohammed Saeed delivered a speech titled “Fostering Partnerships between Border Agencies and Businesses to Facilitate Trade”. Saeed introduced the reason and key issues of the less efficient border control and pointed out the problem of non-facilitating mind-set. He also mentioned the cross border efficiency was determined by the “weakest link” in the supply chain. Saeed referred to a 4-steps process for businesses to better comply with cross-border procedures including staying informed, developing trusted relationships, participating in the consultative process and getting your own systems in order and being compliant and honest.