Recognising potential mutual areas of interest, the INCU has been exploring ways of collaboration with the Virtual Institute of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Vi).
The Vi is a capacity-building and networking programme for academic institutions in developing and transition countries. Its aim is to help them strengthen their teaching and research capacity in the areas of trade, investment and development and to increase the policy orientation and relevance of their work.
The Vi works with member institutions of its academic network on a long-term basis by providing services in three areas:
- Support to degree programmes – The Vi provides advice on the design of university courses and programmes and develops teaching materials on trade and development issues which the universities subsequently adapt to the contexts of their countries – by adding data and analysis on the country, translating into local languages, etc. It also organizes tailored training programmes for students at Geneva-based organizations (study tours).
- Professional development for research and teaching – The Vi offers training and learning opportunities for groups of academics (regional and national workshops) and individuals (mentoring, especially for junior researchers who work on research projects of specific interest to their universities, either in Geneva in the framework of the Vi fellowship programme, or at a distance).
- Cooperation within the Vi academic network – In addition to working bilaterally with the universities, the Vi also draws on the potential of South-South and North-South cooperation in its academic network and supports exchanges of experiences and joint projects among the members in the areas of research, development of teaching materials or professional development.The Vi celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2014. The Vi began its activities in 2004 with five founding university members representing Brazil, India, Jordan, Mauritius and Tanzania. By 2014, the Vi had grown into a true global academic network encompassing 101 universities and research centres in 52 countries.
At this stage, the INCU and Vi have agreed to cooperate on an informal basis by exchanging information and, where appropriate, disseminating each other’s information to our respective members and affiliates. The INCU and Vi will continue to explore other ways of collaboration.
The INCU Institutional Members and Affiliates are invited to consider joining the Vi network.
For further information about UNCTAD VI, please see VI Brochure or visit the VI website.