Inaugural INCU Global Conference – A Tremendous Success!

The Inaugural INCU Global Conference was held from 21 to 23 May 2014 in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.

The conference was jointly organised by the International Network of Customs Universities (INCU) and the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan and hosted by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The conference was a tremendous success.
It brought together delegates from over 70 countries including representatives of customs administrations, the private sector, academic institutions and international organisations.

The conference was co-chaired by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Professor Aydin Aliyev, and the President of the INCU, Professor David Widdowson.

The opening address of the conference was delivered via video by the Director General of the World Trade Organization, H.E. Ambassador Roberto Azevedo. Conference delegates were also addressed by three Nobel Laureates: Professor Sir Christopher Pissarides, Professor Thomas Sargent and Professor Alvin Roth, and the Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security, Dr Alan Bersin, along with many other distinguished academics and customs practitioners.

The high level Government representation at the conference, including that of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, the Deputy Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other senior members of Government was extremely well received and greatly appreciated by all delegates.

 All presentations delivered at the conference are now available on. Conference photos are also be available. The official Conference Guide is also available in Azerbaijani, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
 All information can be accessed here.

The INCU will publish the official Conference Proceedings which will include papers presented at the conference and other useful information. The Conference Proceedings will be available in Azerbaijani, English, French, Russian and Spanish and will be published later in 2014.

Conference Materials: Click here