While on the capacity-building project in the Central Asia, INCU Head of Secretariat took time to visit Customs Training-Metodical Centre of Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana and the Customs Training and Professional Development Centre of the Republic of Tajikistan in Tajikistan’s capital, Dushanbe.
In Astana, Kazakhstan, Dr Kashubsky together with his CCES colleague Mr Brent Juratowitch, met with Head of the Training Centre, Mr Baidulla Shalbayev, who showed the facilities of the Training Centre, introduced Dr Kashubsky to the faculty and staff of the training centre and demonstrated the centre’s teaching methods and its online learning platform. In turn, Dr Kashubsky updated the staff of the Training Centre on the recent INCU activities and future plans.
In Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Dr Kashubsky met with the Deputy Head of the Training Centre, Mr Mirzo Abdullayev, who showed and training curriculum of the training centre and its facilities. Dr Kashubsky provided an overview of the INCU’s activities including activities of its Baku Regional Office and invited the staff of the training centre to attend some of the INCU Regional Office activities that are organised on a regular basis.