We are pleased to announce a significant development for the International Network of Customs Universities. Until now, INCU Affiliates have been restricted to Universities, Research Centres and other institutions that have a significant interest in promoting the academic standing of the customs profession. To this point, individuals have only been able to become involved in INCU activities through their affiliation with one of these institutions.
This has changed, and we are pleased to advise that there is now an opportunity for individuals to become members or affiliates of INCU in their own right. Universities, Research Centres and other institutions will of course be able to retain their affiliate status.
Further details will be circulated in the coming weeks. In the meantime we look forward to your ongoing support as we continue to build the network through our continued affiliation with the World Customs Journal, our ongoing partnership with the World Customs Organization, particularly through the PICARD programme, further development of the INCU website, and the regular circulation of information to members and affiliates.