Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, National University of La Plata (UNLP)

Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, National University of La Plata (UNLP)

Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, National University of La Plata (UNLP)

Biographical Info The National University of La Plata (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNLP) is one of the most important Argentine national universities and the biggest one situated in the city of La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires Province. It has over 90,000 regular students, 10,000 teaching staff, 17 departments and 106 available degrees. The university holds one of the most important paleontological and anthropological collections in South America.

Email Address tconde@afip.gob.ar

Level Affiliate Academic Institution

City La Plata

Country Argentina

Website http://www.jursoc.unlp.edu.ar/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=325:derecho-aduanero&catid=109:especializaciones&Itemid=537

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